Monday, December 15, 2008

Incredibly Unique

Every Tuesday, after dropping off James to preschool, Parker and I head for a walk. Parker in the last month has refused to go in the stroller. Our power walks are now slow, painfully slow.

I try to remember what my aunt once told me: "I remember walking with my son when he was little. I was impatient and would tell him to hurry up. He would stop and look at everything. Now that he is a man, his stride is much bigger than mine. I have to say, "Slow down."This pass Tuesday I took pictures during our walk. December 9th and no snow. Got to capture that! But by the weekend, snow arrived by the buckets. On Friday night, Parker bundled up like a marshmallow took a walk with mommy. Not used to walking in the snow our walk was at turtle speed. But it was beautiful night and my aunt's words stuck with me. Near the end of our walk Parker said, "I'm tuck! I'm tuck! (stuck)" I laughed. He got mad!

A year ago it was James first time to see snow. (Picture below, Dec 07) If I could have read his mind he was probably saying, "This is weird. You Canadians are crazy to live like this!" (Yes, we are!) Twelve months later he is getting more curious: Why is it snowing? Where is the snow going? Can I eat it? And he kicked into a real Canadian when he started making snow angels.
I'm not crazy about winter. I'm not keen about the mercury dropping below -10 Celsius. But having these boys helps me enjoy some great features of this season.


Jo's-D-Eyes said...

ooooh Jo,
What a sweeties and the snow is SO much better as a pleying ground (softer) for them.

How is Canada, the psrt where you live in? Is it very snowy right now? We have a little teh temperature is soft again, so its melting too fast... my Swiss Bernese mountain dog loves snow, as much as JAMES does, haha they are eating it, so much they like it!

Greetings from JoAnn;s D Eyes /Holland

Tara said...

I'm not crazy about the freezing temperatures either. - 10 celsius is cold enough for me too! This morning we woke up to -47 Celsius (with the windchill). The kids and I have decided to hibernate till it gets a little warmer.

petite gourmand said...

I know what you mean,
I love my power walks and when Lulu insists on walking I have to remind myself to stop and smell the flowers (or eat the snow) with her while she still wants to actually hang out with me.

great photos btw
and happy holidays to you and your family!