So much junk and after awhile you have to admit to yourself it's time to let it go. Trash it, recycle it or feel somewhat better by giving it away.
I was 15 years old when my boarding school burned to the ground. Sounds burns no more school. Not in this case. We were back in class in an old chapel a week later. Seriously. The teacher stood at the alter! It was pathetic. No air conditioning and I swear this little town in south Saskatchewan had the hottest June ever.
My dear Aunt came to visit me during the one week I had off to buy clothes and more clothes! She gave me a card and after 20 years I still remember the words she had written to me: "....they can burn your bras but not the memories in your heart."
And that is why I am an expert purger!
That's great! I love your aunt's wise words :)
HA!! I thought the BEFORE was organized! You should see my office, it would bring you to tears!
I also thought the before was organized! Yikes! I have a clean house but it's in some serious trouble in terms of organization. There are four pack rats living here and all of us have trouble letting things go. When I get in the mood I purge as quickly and as much as I can all at once just because I know how hard it usually is for me!
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