Monday, September 10, 2007

Calgary Visitors!

Parker and I had lots of fun with Aunty Louise and cousin Christine. We got LOTS of attention. Christine gave me a bath every night and tucked me into bed reading me a story. Aunty Louise cuddled Parker, rocked him to sleep and added a few more foods to his diet; like ice cream! Mommy and daddy got to escape to a movie! We had lots of fun but today they had to go back home. I'm already a bit lonely!

Tomorrow I start my first swimming class called Bubblers! I love the water so I am very excited to go. Hope you all had a great summer! Parker and I sure did!



Unknown said...

hi jo & michael,
they are so cute

gaudlep said...

James, thank-you so much for updating the blog; I was wondering who would be the first to do it. I like it when you update often and I really like it when you write your version of the facts. You and Parker are really growing. Are you bigger than your Mom? Hugs and kisses to the 4 of you!
Love matante Nicole