Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Where I was Born

Many of you have asked questions about my place of birth so here is some information of my home land; Monrovia, Liberia - Africa.

I have also included the flag of Liberia (very similar to the United States flag), a map, the orphanage I lived at (, and the very first picture my mom and dad saw of me (I'm looking a bit sad because I was hungry).


  • The capital of Liberia is Monrovia. That's were I was born!
  • Monrovia was named after former U.S president James Monroe. Which by the way brings me to mention that my name is James Monrovia Epp. My parents thought changing my middle name from Kid to Monrovia would be special and unique and I agree.
  • English is the official language. That's why I can talk so good!
  • The president of Liberia is Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. She is the first female president in Africa.
  • Liberia is on its way to a very slow recovery after being in a 14 year civil war where many children were used as soldiers.


  • One in eight babies die at birth and nearly half the children die before they are five years old.
  • The unemployment rate in Liberia is 85%.
  • 80% of the people live in extreme poverty.
  • There are no functioning public utilities, and the vast majority of Liberians have no access to electricity, water and basic sanitation facilities.
  • Most medical facilities have been destroyed, looted or damaged preventing children from receiving basic and necessary care.
I am a lucky boy to now be here safe with my mommy and daddy but they often say that they are the lucky ones to have me! I hope one day soon to return to Liberia with daddy, mommy and Parker to visit and volunteer.

James Monrovia Epp

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Monday, August 6, 2007

Boots & Bars

I am now having to wear little white shoes with a bar to make sure my foot stays straight. I wear it 23 hours a day. I now get to take a bath every day and enjoy the sun. I got some snowboard stickers at West49 and stuck them on my bar. I now look like a baby snowboarder!

Here I am in the tub with my little cousin Liam. He is only 2 months older than Parker. We had fun playing together but I'm told I need to work on my sharing skills. I am not too sure why that is! I still love to eat, play and talk. I just love my new home!